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Op 12 mei organiseert ARQ Centrum’45 als leadpartner van het eMEN (EU) project een online evenement over e-mental health. Tijdens dit (Engelstalige) evenement kan je e-mental health beleven en krijg je inzicht in het opnemen van ehealth in de behandeling. Naast korte sessies met Q&A’s is er een panel en veel korte video’s met voorbeelden.

Onderwerpen als VR, AI, App, portalen etc komen allemaal voorbij met praktijk en ook wat onderzoek. Lees hieronder de officiële uitnodiging.


Examples and best practices of e-mental health (eMH) use in daily practice from experts, treatment professionals and patients

Since 2020 treatment using digital tools has grown exponentially. Experience shows that digital solutions work very well in some situations and less in others. But, how do you put eMH to good use and what can you do with it? How do you implement it in daily practice? And how do we upscale it?

During this online event you can experience current e-mental health practice, by joining e-mental health sessions and exploring the cinematic insights from highly regarded mental health institutes, such as: GGZ Drenthe, GGZ Delftland, Reinier van Arkel, GGZ Centraal and ARQ Centrum’45. Gain knowledge on topics such as VR, AI, Moral Injury, App, Online Modules and much more.

We proudly present e-mental health insights from universities, such as:

  • Full Professor of Artificial Intelligence Mark Hoogendoorn from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
  • Associate Professor dr. Kirstin Greaves-Lord from Rijks Universiteit Groningen
  • Univ.-Prof. dr. med. Wolfgang Gaebel, Director WHO Collaborating Centre on Quality Management and Empowerment in Mental Health
  • Full Professor dr. Heleen Riper, eMental-Health/ Clinical Psychology VU & Amsterdam University Medical Centre (VUmc), Dept. of Psychiatry, Amsterdam

    We will end the event with an interactive session about the need for transformation in mental health by Michel van Schaik, Director of Healthcare at Rabobank Netherlands.

    Patients will share their e-mental health journey and experience in videos and during our expert panel.

    You can choose your own preferred sessions on the spot and switch between them. Check out our full program for more content and information about sessions and great speakers.
    This is a FREE event!

    We hope to see you all there


    12 mei 2022
    12:30 - 17:30
    Evenement Tags:
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    ARQ Centrum’45
    eMEN (EU)